Yuni Hong Charpe
Photo: Cyril Charpentier
Yuni Hong Charpe
France, Japan/Artist
Artist born in Tokyo. Yuni moved to France in 2005 and graduated from École nationale supérieure d’arts de Paris-Cergy in 2015. Currently based in France and Japan, at the intersection of dance and visual arts, their work often begins with a reflection on site-specific stories and/or personal memories. They explore the diversity and instability of identities constructed by predetermined attributes. Research fellow at the Institute of Contemporary Arts Kyoto for the fiscal year 2021-22. In cooperation with an international collective Mapped to the Closest Address, they are working on creating dance scores.
2022 project
Artist based in France and Japan, Yuni Hong Charpe leads a research project on dance and texts regarding Choi Seung-hee (1911-1969), a dancer from Korea under Japanese rule. As suggested by the title in French, Yuni will apply the method of reproducing the same circumstance repeatedly to the workshop with foreigners living in Toyooka and its surrounding areas and to the creation of a lecture-performance with collaborators, a “Zainichi (living in Japan)” Korean dancer and a Japanese-French interpreter. Then they will create a video work during the process.
The complex identity of Choi, who was called “Dancer from the Peninsula” for her brilliant performances around the world from Japan, Korea to Europe and the United States, will be examined, in order to reflect on our identity of the present and to revisit the problem of “Zainichi” foreigners which became evident with the pandemic situation. The works are scheduled to be presented in Kyoto and France after the residency.
The complex identity of Choi, who was called “Dancer from the Peninsula” for her brilliant performances around the world from Japan, Korea to Europe and the United States, will be examined, in order to reflect on our identity of the present and to revisit the problem of “Zainichi” foreigners which became evident with the pandemic situation. The works are scheduled to be presented in Kyoto and France after the residency.