Kumiko Ueda

photo by matron2023

Kumiko Ueda

Japan/Playwright, Director
Born in Nara Prefecture. Ueda joined the Takarazuka Revue's Department of Direction after working in a pharmaceutical company . She has been acclaimed for her original plays with a good balance between profound themes and entertainment values until she left the Revue in 2022. In the same year, her play "Biome" was nominated for the Kishida Kunio Drama Award, for the spectacular illustration of the dual structure between the world of human drama and the world of plants. In 2023, for the first time she directed opera, for the program "Cavalleria Rusticana" and "Pagliacci," produced by the National Opera Coproduction project. The subtitles interpreted in Kansai dialect and the replacement of the Italian 19th-century popular scenery with a setting in contemporary, poor Japan struck the public. From 2023 to 2024, Ueda has been training in France.

photo: Celine Al-Mosawi


Germany, Japan/Artist
Originally from Shimane Prefecture in Japan, miu studied sonology/electronic music at Kunitachi College of Music (Japan) and the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands), though he did not complete his degree at Kunitachi. His main activities include creating and presenting stage works, sound performances, and installations. He focuses on phenomena such as communication gaps, errors, misunderstandings, transformations, and the virtualization of memory that arise between different cultures, languages, and eras. Observing people and events that "do not belong" to their place, despite being there, is central to his work. Since moving to the Netherlands in 1998, he has lived in London, Bochum, and Ulm, and has been based in Düsseldorf since 2014. For him, going to Japan feels more like "going" than "returning."

2024 project

PROJECT PNEUMA ーTraining Pool for Diverse Breathingー
  • ©miu

  • ©︎Shoshi Yano

  • ©︎Natalia Butinova

  • ©︎Natalia Butinova

  • ©︎Natalia Butinova


Returning from a training program in France, Kumiko Ueda - a director celebrated for her numerous works at the Takarazuka Revue - will start a new journey as an independent artist, directing performers with extensive experience and diverse backgrounds. She will relativize the life span and drama of humans by parallelly portraying the time of various life forms such as insects, microorganisms, and plants.